Multiport adsorption analyzer |
Features | |
RuboSORP MPA는 흡착량을 압력센서로 측정하는 부피식(volumatric) 고압 흡착 장비입니다. 일반 고압흡착장비와 달리 샘플 포트의 수가 다양하여 최대 5개 샘플의 고압 흡착데이터를 동시에 얻을 수 있는 장점이 있습니다 (1/3/5개 중 선택). 최대 100 또는 200 bar에 이르는 고압까지 샘플의 흡탈착 등온선을 다양한 온도에서 분석할 수 있습니다. Dosing volume에 채워진 흡착 기체를 온도, 압력센서가 장착된 sample volume으로 확산시킨 후 sample volume내의 압력 변화를 정밀하게 측정하여 흡착량을 계산합니다. 분석 스프트웨어는 GUM(Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) 가이드라인에 따라 모든 데이터 포인트를 보정하여 정확한 결과를 제공합니다.
This instrument allows the simultaneous measurement of up to 5 samples. The fully automated apparatus is developed for time saving measurements like material screenings. It can be used to measure adsorption isotherms at pressures of up to 100 bar and within a temperature range of 20°C and 300°C. An adjustable geometry of sample containers allows highly accurate sorption measurement on smallest sample amounts. The new version of our Multiport Analyzer contains proven measurement technology in a new compact design!.
Best possible measurement accuracy is ensured by using high quality pressure and temperature sensors. A user-friendly software interface allows the programming of all measurement parameter. In addition, online data is used for integrated calculation of measurement results (e.g. sorbed gas amount). The standard version of our instrument can be modified accoriding to costumers specifications (e.g. extended pressure range of up to 200 bar, integration of cooling device).
Measurement MethodIn course of manometric adsorption measurement, a dosing volume with calibrated size is pressurized with sorptive gas. After detection of pressure and temperature values the gas is expanded into a sample volume, including sample material. The resulting pressure decrease is based on volume increase and sorption effects. The sorbed gas amount can be calculated using a gas mass balancing.
Product HighlightService for weight loss measurement of samples is included Screening