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Breakthrough curve,PSA (pressure swing adsorption),물리흡착 (physisorption)

Breakthrough Curve Tester






활성탄, 제올라이트와 같은 흡착제 칼럼에 흡착 기체를 흘려주면 초반에는 흡착 기체가 칼럼에 모두 흡착되지만, 흡착제가 포화 되면 더 이상 흡착이 일어나지 않아 흡착 기체가 칼럼을 통과하여 나오게 됩니다. 이를 검출하여 시간에 따른 흡착 기체의 농도 그래프로 나타낸 것을 파과곡선 (breakthrough curve)라고 합니다. 

RuboSORP BTC/PSA는 흡착제의 파과곡선(breakthrough curve)을 분석할 뿐만 아니라 PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption), VSA (Vacuum Swing Adsorption) 데이터까지 측정할 수 있는 장비입니다. 흡착제 column의 높이와 지름을 실험의 용도에 맞게 설정할 수 있으며, 최대 10개까지 연결할 수 있습니다. Volume reducer 사용시 소량의 샘플로도 측정이 가능합니다 (예 MOFs). 장비와 분리해서 사용 가능한 gas dosing system이 포함되어 있습니다.


For an investigation of these processes under realistic conditions, RuboLab offers specialized laboratory scale PSA systems. The fully automated instrument can be used to measure breakthrough curves within adsorber columns. In addition, complex PSA and VSA processes can be investigated using two or more adsorbers (max. 10). Therefore, the standard system is equipped with two stainless steel adsorber vessels, which can be filled with sorbent materials. By means of thermal mass flow controller and a pressure regulation device, we can realize system pressures of up to 69 bar.






Fluid handling is done by using pneumatically high pressure valves and metal sealed fittings to ensure lowest leakage rate and best vacuum conditions. The adsorption front can be detected using 5 different temperature sensors. Adsorber breakthrough is measured using gas analyzation sensors like NDIR, TCD, GC or MS.






Experimental Results

The picture on the left shows experimental results, measured by means of the RuboLab Vari PSA. Sorption measurement was performed using a binary gas mixture composition (60 vol-% N2 und 40 vol-% CO2) and a zeolite molecular sieve type 13X. The time shifted temperature peaks at different positions within the adsorber show sorption based temperature increase of up to 70°C. Adsorber breakthrough is detected by means of increasing CO2 concentration in product gas flow. In this example, the CO2 concentration was measured using a non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR).







Product Highlights

Costumer Specific Upgradability
The standard VariPSA version contains two adsorber columns. In addition, the system can be expanded with further adsorber vessels (max. number of 10 columns). The volume of each adsorber bed can be adjusted using inner containments.





Full Automation
The Rublab Vari PSA Software allows a fully automated measurement performance of complex PSA or VSA studies. Online measurement data is shown on the integrated touch display. All data are saved in ASCII format and can be copied using a USB port at instrument front panel.






High Resolution Sensor Technology
The VariPSA system contains high resolution pressure and temperature sensors to ensure best measurement accuracy. The used premium pressure sensors are working within a measurement uncertainty of 0.04 % FS.


